Our Partner in Malaysia : HOTO Stainless Steel Industries
High quality of product and reliable partnership is necessary for the international business. HOTO is a reliable partner of BENKAN for a long time and distributing our stainless steel fittings in Malaysia.
Established in January 1994, HOTO Stainless Steel Industries Sdn. Bhd. is Malaysia’s foremost manufacturing of stainless steel ornamental tubes. A name that stands for quality and excellence, HOTO is an abbreviation of Japanese word “Hosho Tokyuhin” which means “assurance of excellent quality”. This is a reflection of the Company’s commitment in producing quality stainless steel tubes that meet international standards and specifications.

HOTO is distributing our fitting “Molco Joint” with their pipes. These products are widely used in many hygienic facilities such as malls, hospitals and hotels considering the characteristic of stainless steel that it has high durability and there is no occurrence of rusty water and corrosion. Market of Malaysia is mainly concentrated in the urban area. Therefore, connection and relationship with the people involved in the industry will be very important. When we visited the customer with HOTO staff, we felt that they are making good relationship with the customers and we believe it is a good result which comes from the faithful business activities of HOTO. We had a voice from some customers that they have nothing to worry about the products considering that it is “Made in Japan” and BENKAN has a long history of manufacturing in Japan. We will keep on working hard to manufacture reliable products. We would like to fully cooperate with HOTO to increase the recognition of HOTO brand in Malaysia. Please contact HOTO for the information in Malaysia.
Overseas Sales Section
Shohei Yamagishi
HOTO Official Website >https://hoto.com/
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